Wha the hell happened to the world of fashion? I really think about it. A lot. I wonder why does this happen. It looks like since Mugler became crazy with the silicone issue anybody had the pear to do something daring. Except for Rabanne and McQueen, fashion has become pretty boring and typical.
I understand that brands like Dolce & Gabanna or Tommy Hilfigher are more classical but they can't all be classical. I see even the most risky brands don't do anything new. Nothing like in the period 1990-2010. I include 2010 because of McQueen.
I only have faith in some designers like Jeremy Scott or Juun J. These two men are quite creative and innovating. In any case Scott is a little sticky and childy for me, and is a little repetitive but at least he does interesting things, he risks and plays with the creation of a collection. Now a days even the most haute couture collections are quite prêt à porter.
I still want to see a good collection, where models don't just walk on the runway, but perform and where the dresses interact with their bodies and the public.
This is from Mugler 1997's collection. He used the world of insects and animals. Like flies, birds and beetles.
Everyone has gone mad for this new way of connection with the customer. Next October/November a Fashion Film Festival will be celebrated in Madrid and this finally demonstrates fashion film has become an important communication tool. But what is a fashion film? What's it about? What is it for? Why does everybody like it? Well, I'm gonna try answer these questions.
A FF is a short video, not longer than 5 minutes normally, where basically a collection or maybe just a few items are shown to the client, but with an artistic background that envelopes the whole thing. The new thing here is the artistic part. It is fashion, but its kind of a film too. They are using now image to its extreme, exploding every little detail they can. It's all about the Internet. We're all so crazy for catching people's attention on the Internet, as it is growing and everyone has access to it. The market is way bigger, and the competition is too.
As it happened to the rest of markets in the world, the need of highlighting the product above the rest has become harder but easier at the same time. You have 3 minutes. Make the viewer worth to spend that time on you. You need to get it's attention, and make it remember your product and understand the message. And answering to the question of why does everybody like it? Easy, 'cause it's arty and cool and funny to see. The idea is that when you see it you get a little shock, as we usually do with a new collection or a new song...
I'm just putting some links 'cause the fucking platform this of Google does not let me link anything from vimeo, only YouTube. Then You Google can go fok YouRself.
My dear blogger-followers, this week has been full of exitement and good bives. It's been a productive week, even I didn't go to the gym for the last two weeks cause I had no time (I went today!). But in any case, I have been inspired, I worked a lot, I (think) I've passed all my exams, and I am happy cause new people has arrived to my life, and I hope to stay. Furthermore, the weather has been perfect. The sun shone, the wind didn't blow, the birds sang, the flowers bloomed... It's spring, and in spring everything is better, we are happier, and the air seems cleaner.
As I was inspired, I took (my brother's) camera and I took these pics just in front of and next to my house. I love my neighborhood, it is pretty beautiful. And yesterday I did these two watercolors of flowers which I have at my house. I hope you had a great week, and it has been full of good bives. And I hope it keeps this way!
Mis queridos bloggers-seguidores, esta semana ha estado llega de emoción y buenas vibraciones. Ha sido una semana productiva, incluso sin haber ido al gimnasio las últimas dos semanas porque no he tenido tiempo (hoy he ido!). Pero de todos modos he estado inspirado, he trabajado mucho y (creo que) he pasado todos los exámenes, y estoy feliz porque nueva gente ha llegado a mi vida y espero que para quedarse. Además el tiempo ha sido perfecto. El sol brilló, el viento no sopló, los pájaros cantaron, las flores florecieron... Es primavera y en este tiempo todo es genial, somos más felices y el aire parece más limpio.
Como estaba inspirado, cogí la cámara (de mi hermano) y tomé estas fotos justo delante y al lado de mi casa. Me encanta mi barrio, es bastante bonito. Y ayer hice estas dos acuarelas de flores que tengo en casa. Espero que hayáis tenido una semana genial, llena de buenas vibraciones. Y espero que siga así!
Summer is getting closer in here. The shit is hot! This past week I delivered a design for the next year school-folder. All designs were displayed in the hall of the school yesterday. I don't know. I expected for some level. It's a pity that having lots of artists in my school, the level was that low.
In any case, I hope to win, so if the level is low, it gives me advantages (being selfish).
This took me to think in the levels of society and how people tag and label everything. Even, of course, themselves. "I am a blogger. You are gay. He/She/It is not cool. We are good. You are pop. They are intelligent" Seriously, we are doing it all the time. And the worst thing is that we do it wrong.
People need to be what they are. To improve themselves, to overcome their aims. But above all you, they, we, everyone needs to stop defining things so. Because it's confusing and we are not distinguishing any more what the fuck we are and what we like.
Just because you are on the Internet you are not a blogger. And you'll say "What the heck you think you are then?" I don't know how to respond. I'm just a dude who expresses what he thinks. I'm a blogger? Maybe. You surely have your own definition for that. I consider myself an artist, blogger, and critic. What I encourage you to do is just the same as me. Define yourself, believe in you. Be who you are, express what you feel, and decide for your OWN criterion what is cool or not, what you like or not, or who is a blogger and who is not.
Hola gente!
El verano se acerca aquí. Hace calor! La semana pasada entregué un diseño para la carpeta del curso que viene. Todos los diseños fueron mostrados en el hall del colegio. No sé... esperaba un poco más de nivel. Es una pena que teniendo tantos artistas el nivel fuera tan bajo. De todos modos, espero ganar, así que si el nivel era bajo me da ventajas (siendo egoísta).
Esto me hizo pensar en los niveles de la sociedad y en cómo la gente etiqueta y clasifica todo. Incluso, claro está, a ellos mismos. "Soy blogger. Eres gay. Es guay. Somos buenos. Sois populares. Son inteligentes" En serio, lo estamos haciendo constantemente. Y lo peor es que lo hacemos mal.
La gente necesita ser lo que es. Mejorarse a sí mismos, superar sus metas. Pero sobre todo tú, ellos, nosotros, todos tenemos que parar de definir tanto las cosas. Porque es confuso y ya no distinguimos qué cojones somos y qué nos gusta.
Sólo porque estás en internet no eres un blogger. Y diréis "Qué narices te crees que eres entonces?" No sé qué responder. Sólo soy un tío que expresa lo que piensa. Soy un blogger? Puede. Seguramente tenéis vuestra propia definición para eso. Me considero artista, blogger y crítico. Lo que os animo a hacer es exactamente lo mismo. Definios a vosotros mismos, creed en vosotros mismos. Sed quienes sois, expresad lo que sentís, y decidid por vuestro PROPIO criterio lo que mola o no, lo que os gusta o no, o quién es un blogger y quién no.
My lovely followers, I've been out for some time, out of everything, included the blog. I've been a LONG HORRIBLE time without computer, omg I missed so much my blog!
In this time it happened some things. To be honest, a lot of things. In my personal life. And it made me think of how fragile are personal relationships, the deep ones, the ones with the closest ones to us. How can everything go wrong out of our control. How can life turn up side down in a blink. So it makes me appreciate more everyday and every moment with my family and friends. Even my career. Even my studies. Everything is so ephemeral. Everything we do and we decide is making our destiny and is being part of our future.
I want to share some music stuff with you.
To start, Clean Bandit. They are a formation from UK, and their music is kinda casual, like EtonMessy and Majesticasual and that shit. But I got really surprised when I discovered them on the radio, where they said that Clean Bandit had reached N1 in UK and many other countries. I am proud of that lot of people listening this music. It is really good. I also like, don't hate me, The Vamps. "Can We Dance" and "Year 3000" are cool. Love this:
Mis queridos seguidores, he estado fuera por un tiempo, fuera de todo, incluido el blog. He estado LARGO Y HORRIBLE tiempo sin ordenador, dios mío he echado mucho de menos mi blog!
En este tiempo me han ocurrido algunas cosas. Para ser sincero, muchas cosas. En mi vida personal. Y eso me hizo pensar en cuán frágil son las relaciones personales, las profundas, las que tenemos con aquellos que están más cerca de nosotros. Cómo todo puede ir mal y fuera de control. Cómo la vida puede ponerse patas para arriba en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Así que esto me hace apreciar más cada día y cada momento con mis amigos y familia. Incluso mi carrera. Incluso mis estudios. Todo es tan efímero. Todo lo que hacemos y decidimos está forjando nuestro destino y está siendo parte de nuestro futuro.
Quiero compartir alguna música con vosotros.
Para empezar, "Clean Bandit". Son una formación de UK, y su música es algo así como casual, como EtonMessy y Majesticasual y esas cosas. Pero me ha sorprendido mucho cuando los he oído en la radio, donde dijeron que Clean Bandit ha alcanzado el N1 en UK y otros varios países. Estoy muy orgulloso de que tanta gente escuche esta música. Es muy buena. También me gustan, no me odiéis, "The Vamps". "Can We Dance" y "Year 3000" están guays. Escuchad:
Since January, it's been carnival, and my birthday. I'm seventeen now and a little dumber. I also want to share with you that I've been last weekend in a fair about studies and future and that stuff, and I am pretty sure of what I want to study. That makes me happy and sure. What does not, is the price. I won't say it but, for me, right now, it is absolutely impossible to afford. But I will not stop trying to find the way, to pay it, to find the way of winning the money. Working my ass off every freaking day of summer, asking for a loan, whatever. It is my future, it is my life, my passion, my love, my destiny, my all. I have to.
So, this pushed me to think, what are you studying? or What do you want to study?I wanna hear you!
Desde enero, ha sido carnaval, y mi cumpleaños. Ahora tengo diecisiete años y soy un poco más tonto. También quería compartir con vosotros que estuve el fin de semana pasado en una feria sobre estudios y el futuro y cosas de esas, y estoy bastante seguro de lo que quiero estudiar. Eso me hace feliz y seguro. Lo que no, es el precio. No lo diré pero, para mi, ahora mismo, es absolutamente imposible de afrontar. Pero no voy a parar de intentar de encontrar la manera, para pagarlo, para encontrar la manera de ganar el dinero. Pelándome el culo cada jodido día de verano, pidiendo un préstamo, lo que sea. Es mi futuro, es mi vida, es mi pasión, mi amor, mi destino, mi todo. Tengo que hacerlo.
Esto me ha llevado a pensar, qué estáis estudiando? o Qué queréis estudiar? Quiero oíros!
Hi bloggers! How long! This holidays I spent some days in Granada, visiting the Alhambra, and some other curious places. I took a great one from above of a castle, I did skate wrapped in a blanket. I also took some good pics. Did duck-face, ate some GREAT cheese-cake with a cup of hot chocolate, tucked a skeleton's finger into it's own nose, and saw a cat.
It was really cool. My family and I went on a caravan, it was a new experience. I must say it was a little chaos but we had a lot of fun.
Now I'm back to school, and have some exams on my way, but I'm happy to be back at work.
Writing soon, love you!
Hola bloggers! Cuanto tiempo! Estas vacaciones he pasado unos días en Granada, visitando la Alhambra y otros sitios curiosos. Tomé una instantánea genial desde lo alto de un castillo, hice skate envuelto en una manta. También hice algunas fotos buenas. Puse cara de pato, comí un pastel de queso riquísimo acompañado de una taza de chocolate caliente, metí el dedo de un esqueleto en su propia nariz y vi a un gato.
Fue realmente guay. Mi familia y yo fuimos en caravana, fue toda una nueva experiencia. Debo decir que fue un poco caos todo, pero lo pasamos muy bien.
Ahora he vuelto al cole, y tengo algunos exámenes en camino, pero estoy contento de estar de nuevo en el trabajo.
Hi bloggerzz! HAPPY FREAKING NEW YEAR! I'm so exited about this new year. This entry will be a little more personal, just advising.
My life is suffering a lot of changes, inside of me, outside, everything. And like to everyone, changes sometimes scares me. I won't tell anything too personal, but it's just that. Time goes by so fast, life passes, and if we don't take the same rhythm, we stay behind. I am one of those people who can't live without having a lot of plans and things to do. I like to have my life full and do a lot of things. Right now I'm a mess, I've found a job, and it's Christmas, I have three books to read for school, and some works to start. Shit, I need to organise.
Buuuuuut, the best thing AND the reason why I am here, is because I am working on a new blog. An absolutely made-over blog. You will love it. By now I have nothing, just the idea, and we are starting to build it. There's an acquaintance of mine, who's helping me. He's great, knows a lot, and he is doing all the work so the merit is his. I should post: "When you see it you'll shit bricks". So by the moment that's all, I have no idea of when we are publishing it, but I hope we can do it on February, and it will be ".com". I mean, "princeofeight.com".
That's all! I hope you had a GREAT time with your family and friends and the people you love last New Year's Eve, and I'm sure you are starting a great new year, 2014, full of opportunities and we still have 363 days to make this year big, and be proud of ourselves. Love, bye!
Some pics(absolutely HD) and a song of my recommendation:
Hola bloggeros! FELIZ AÑO NUEVO! Estoy muy emocionado por este año nuevo. Esta entrada será algo más personal, sólo aviso.
Mi vida está sufriendo muchos cambios, de golpe, dentro y fuera de mi. Y como a todo el mundo, a veces los cambios asustan. No voy a decir nada muy personal, sólo es eso. El tiempo pasa muy de prisa, la vida pasa y si no cogemos ritmo, nos quedamos atrás. Soy una de esas personas que no puede vivir sin tener un montón de planes y cosas que hacer. Me gusta tener mi vida llena y hacer muchas cosas. Ahora mismo soy un desastre, he encontrado trabajo, y es Navidad, y tengo que leer tres libros para el cole, y algunos trabajos que empezar. Me tengo que organizar.
Peeeeeeero, lo mejor Y la razón por la que estoy aquí, es porque estoy trabajando en un nuevo blog. Un blog totalmente cambiado y reorganizado. Lo amaréis. Por ahora no tengo nada, sólo la idea, y estamos empezando a construirlo. Es un conocido, quien me está ayudando. Es genial, sabe un montón, y está haciendo todo el trabajo así que el mérito es todo suyo. Así que por el momento eso es todo, no tengo idea de cuando lo publicaremos, pero espero que podamos hacerlo en febrero, y será .com, es decir "princeofeight.com".
Eso es todo! Espero que lo hayáis pasado GENIAL con vuestra familia y amigos y aquellos a los que queréis esta nochevieja, y estoy seguro que empezáis un año nuevo genial, 2014, lleno de oportunidades y aún tenemos 363 días para hacer este año grande y estar orgullosos de nosotros mismos. Saludos!
Algunas fotos (HD absoluto) y una canción que os recomiendo: